Protesters Get Violent at Trump Rally in San Jose, CA

This Presidential Election season is becoming a bloodbath. The tension between Trump and anti-Trump protesters has been growing, and in California it’s begun to reach a violent crescendo, with Trump supporters on the receiving end. This video shows some examples of the most recent, largely unprovoked attacks against Trump supporters leaving one of his rallies in San Jose, CA.
This is a stark contrast to the protests from earlier in the Presidential Election season, where anti-Trump supporters were attacked at Trump rallies for protesting during Trump’s speech. One was elbowed in the face as he was escorted out of the building.
It seems that while Donald Trump had stated that “there would be riots” if he wasn’t the Republican Nominee for President, now that he has become that nominee, the riots are here regardless.
The police presence was large in San Jose during the protests, but it did little to stop protesters from chasing down Trump supporters, even harassing them at their cars.
Many of the protesters were touting Mexican Flags and calling Trump supporters racist.

Protesters Get Violent at Trump Rally in San Jose, CA Protesters Get Violent at Trump Rally in San Jose, CA Reviewed by Funy on 20:36:00 Rating: 5